2.0 version of myself

Jas Win
2 min readApr 30, 2021


(THE YEAR 2023) As the world moves forward at a pace no one can keep up with, it becomes ideal for a person like myself to take on multiple things and hope for the best. In 2021 when I started studying Digital Marketing and Graphic designing; I had this vision of being a successful marketer and making my father proud.

Today, as I stand before you as an entrepreneur with my own Marketing Agency in a small city like Raipur, I have no one to thank but the belief my parents and mentors had in me. I come from a finance background and as I lead the Placement Cell of my college in 2019, I figured that I would work in the Human Resources field. In 2020, when Covid-19 hit, I came back to my hometown, and while my friends relaxed, I learned graphic designing. However, I was always afraid of working as I never thought I was good enough.

As rightly said by Isaac Newton, “What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean”, I realize today that one of the traits that helped me reach where I am today is that I know there is always more to learn. I can never be a perfectionist because I believe that whatever I do can be improved if I tried.

Opening my own marketing agency has not been a lifelong dream but one I had when I joined an internship program by Mr. Deepak Kanakaraju. Even today, as I look forward to inspiring millions of Indians and becoming the №1 Digital marketer in my state, I don’t stop learning. I still take up courses that make me a better businesswoman.

I used to think I was not a creative person but the online learning during the pandemic helped me significantly, I couldn't be happier. I am a Brand Designer, a Digital Marketer, and without a doubt; still a student, ready to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Of course, this isn't where my journey ends but where it begins.



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